
Why You Should Keep an Eye on Startup HiPeople

Human Resources

HiPeople is a new startup with its origins in Berlin, Germany. The company is classified as an HR tech business to automate the process for reference checking. If you’re a company that performs significant volumes of hires throughout the year, the services may be able to help you streamline your HR processes. If you’re n investor, it’s an up and coming company that offers a potentially valuable service for the business world. This is one that we recommend keeping your eye on in the near future and here are the reasons why.

HiPeople technology is likely to succeed

The new startup is still in its early development processes, but so far, the outlook for success is bright and sunny. According to Tech Crunch, the founders Sebastian Schuller and Jakob Gillmann share the vision of establishing a service-based business that performs automated background checks for candidates under consideration for hire. In short, they want to automate the process of reference checking. Those of us who have worked in HR realize how many manhours go into making telephone calls to follow up on candidate references. It can turn into a full-time job for some of the bigger corporations.

The potential to streamline the verification process

According to the founders, they’ve developed a system that has the capability of automatically verifying candidate references without the need to meet in person or use staff to make telephone calls. It sounds like a revolutionary way of streamlining the hiring process.

What is HiPeople?

The founders classify their company as a talent insight business. They’ve established a mission to improve hiring practices for their clients through an automated system that not only collects data about the candidates but also performs an analysis. The owners intend to lessen the amount of manual work that is required by HR professionals, thus saving the business money spent on the allocation of worker resources. The analysis component would also provide “rich” insights about the candidates. This is a software-as-a-service program that hopes to create a seamless user experience. It is intended for use by recruiters in the verification and analysis of in-depth reference checks. The founders claim that the program can collect double the information in half the time.

A catchy slogan may bring clients in

According to the startup’s Linkedin page, the current slogan for HiPeople is “Take back your day: Hiring made easy.” It’s not only a catchy slogan, but it’s also meaningful. When it comes to trimming the fat in operations, most businesses are willing to take a gamble on a service with such high potential to save money and improve the bottom line.

Current staffing

At this stage in the development of HiPeople, there are 7 employees on board working to bring the operation online. Sebastian Schuller is listed as the co-founder, along with his partner and co-founder, a Chief Technology Officer, a Psychologist, a Software Engineer, a Data Scientist, and a Product Designer. Their team is assembled for the most part.

HiPeople Funding

According to Crunch Base, HiPeople has successfully raised funds of $4.1 million to get the startup on its feet. This is a private company that has secured funding from 3 investors. Seed funding from Capnamic Ventures, along with 2 other investors of $3 million was raised in a funding round on January 20, 2021. Previously, a Pre-seed funding round raised $1,100,000 from Capnamic Ventures and Cherry Ventures.

Already up and running

Tech EU reports that the platform that made its launch early in 2020 already has a few customers, but they’re notable. Kleiner Perkins Prisma, along with the fintech business SumUp, GraphCMS, and Celonic, a data mining unicorn company are all clients of HiPeople. They’re all reaping the benefits of automated candidate reference checks that give them even more information than casual phone calls to references. They have some weighty clients onboard and this is just the beginning for the new startup.

Benefits of HiPeople

The deployment of the program is web-based, cloud SaaS. The company also provides clients with a choice of training options in the form of documentation, webinars, live online, and in person. Live representatives are available for support 24/7. Features of the platform include bulk reference requests, audio references, candidate scoring, email/online, reminders, survey builder, video references, completion alerts, mobile access, reporting analytics, and a survey library.


HiPeople is the newest company in its niche. Its chief competitors in the market are VidCruiter, XRef, and Vitay, which all provide similar business solutions for HR staff. The benefit of going with HiPeople is the extra information that the system can extract about potential hires.

Final thoughts

HiPeople is a brand new startup that offers business solutions for companies with a need to streamline their HR hiring processes. The technology isn’t new, but their take on it offers some innovations and extra services that might make them more appealing over the competition. The fees for this service have not yet been publicly disclosed. So far, the infant startup has signed some significant clients in the corporate world. So far, the new company is less than a year into its operations. They’re off to a good start. The funding rounds have gone well for HiPeople, with $4.3 million already raised in venture capital and pre-seed round. This is a startup that you may want to keep your eye on. Whether you’re a future potential investor or a company that could benefit from the software services it provides for the hiring process. The outlook is good for this business to grow and thrive under the right conditions. From all appearances, it’s off to a good start. Time will tell as the business world has been under extreme duress with the covid-19 pandemic, but there is reason to believe that conditions will soon improve.

Why You Should Keep an Eye on Startup HiPeople Why You Should Keep an Eye on Startup HiPeople Reviewed by TechCO on 1/28/2021 Rating: 5

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