
Covid-19: Ministry of Tourism partners with QCI to launch SAATHI initiative for hotels

To assist the hospitality industry in their preparedness to continue operations safely and remove risks from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Tourism has partnered with the Quality Council of India (QCI), to assist them through an initiative called SAATHI (System for Assessment, Awareness and Training for Hospitality Industry). This is aligned with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for Atmanirbhar Bharat.

They have developed 10 guidelines based on the Covid-19 regulations issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. There include:

  • To ensure that hotels identify risks arising out of Covid-19 and institute suitable measures to mitigate them to ensure continuity in operations.

  • Emphasis will be laid on identification of Covid related regulations by states/local authorities while ensuring that a rapid response team or a senior person is there to oversee it.

  • Focus not only on practices related to hygiene and safety in all hotel areas but on how to communicate the same to staff, guests and vendors.

  • Ensure that suitable preventive measures are taken before opening the hotels and during operations too.

  • Manage transport related concerns for guest, staff and vendors.

  • Having a process to handle vendors while receiving supplies.

  • Ensure that the hotels are well ventilated to maintain clean air (as advised by the CPWD).

The final element, that of Control of Discriminatory practices, advises the hotel to identify discriminatory practices (related to Covid-19), if any, and ensure provisions to prevent them.

This initiative will be done in three phases, self-certification which provides a detailed understanding of the guidelines, webinars where the self-certified hotels clarify their doubts through live interactions and site-assessment where on-ground implementation of the guidelines and identification of gaps will be undertaken.

So far more than 3000 units across India have already undertaken the SAATHI Self-Certification and 12 interactive webinars have been conducted for the benefit of the Industry.

Covid-19: Ministry of Tourism partners with QCI to launch SAATHI initiative for hotels Covid-19: Ministry of Tourism partners with QCI to launch SAATHI initiative for hotels Reviewed by TechCO on 10/23/2020 Rating: 5

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