
iQuippo brings Kobelco's equipment on its platform

Kolkata: Quippo, the digital marketplace for infrastructure equipment, has entered into a strategic partnership with Kobelco Construction Equipment India Private Limited to market and sell construction and mining equipment manufactured by the OEM on its platform.

The non-exclusive arrangement will allow customers of iQuippo to choose from a wide range of equipment manufactured by Kobelco, avail finance from financial institutions for purchase of those equipment, negotiate rates online and receive real-time offers that are customised according to their financing needs, said a press statement issued by the company.

The partnership will enable Kobelco to showcase its entire portfolio of products, including all the variants of construction and mining equipment, to more than 90,000 customers of iQuippo, a Kanoria Foundation initiative.

The move will significantly enhance Kobelco’s reach and allow it to capture and monitor leads of potential customers through the entire lifecycle using the iQuippo platform, the release added.

Commenting on the partnership, iQuippo CEO Anant Raj Kanoria said, the partnership in this period of pandemic will enable equipment buyers to choose, purchase and avail finance on the iQuippo platform without stepping out of their homes and offices.”

“In this era of advanced communication, it is very essential to use technology to reach out to customers and create brand awareness. I am confident that this will be a win-win agreement for both Kobelco and iQuippo,” Koji Nakagawa, MD & CEO, Kobelco Construction Equipment India, added.

iQuippo brings Kobelco's equipment on its platform iQuippo brings Kobelco's equipment on its platform Reviewed by TechCO on 7/29/2020 Rating: 5

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