
Google Has Removed These Apps With Malware From Play Store; Uninstall Them Now

The Google Play Store has been hit by malware-ridden apps as the company recently removed 11 Google Play Store-infected applications from its platform.

We saw the Joker malware emerge late last year and spread like wildfire and this time a new version of the spyware Joker Dropper and Premium Dialer in the Google Play Store.

According to Check Point, a security solutions company whose researchers discovered the threat, the new version of Joker malware had made slight changes to its original code, and managed to sneak into the now-removed apps.

List of Infected Apps Removed

  • com.imagecompress.android

  • com.relax.relaxation.androidsms

  • com.cheery.message.sendsms (two different instances)

  • com.peason.lovinglovemessage

  • com.contact.withme.texts

  • com.hmvoice.friendsms

  • com.file.recovefiles

  • com.LPlocker.lockapps

  • com.remindme.alram

  • com.training.memorygame

With a premium subscription, Joker targeted users using two key components the Notification Listener service and a dynamic dex file. In addition, the developer dynamically hid the malicious code in dex file while still ensuring that it can load-a technique well known to Windows PC malware developers-to avoid detection.

This new variant then hides inside the application the malicious dex file as Base64 encoded strings to read the strings, decode them and then load the reflection to infect the device.

Given the security features of Google Play, Joker malware is still very hard to detect, and may very well return it to the Play Store, Check Point points out.

If you are an Android user and have any of the packages listed above installed on your smartphone, we ask you to deinstall them immediately. Also, check for charges on debit / credit card bills, and unsubscribe from any services you have not opted for. Finally, install an anti-virus program to prevent future infections on your smartphones.

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Google Has Removed These Apps With Malware From Play Store; Uninstall Them Now Google Has Removed These Apps With Malware From Play Store; Uninstall Them Now Reviewed by TechCO on 7/19/2020 Rating: 5

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