
Digital technology: Indian SaaS industry to grow six times by 2025, says Nasscom

Growing at 30% CAGR, India’s SaaS revenue has reached $3.5 billion as of FY2020, with 75% of it coming from global sales.

SynopsisFor India to take advantage of this untapped market share, Indian SaaS companies need to ensure business continuity during times like COVID-19, enhance their existing value proposition and identify growth opportunities, among others.

Fuelled by an increase in cloud consumption, need for scalability and digital technology adoption, the pure-play India software as a service industry has the potential to grow six times to touch

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Digital technology: Indian SaaS industry to grow six times by 2025, says Nasscom Digital technology: Indian SaaS industry to grow six times by 2025, says Nasscom Reviewed by TechCO on 7/23/2020 Rating: 5

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