
Crowdfunding company Crowdera appoints Srinivas Chunduru to leadership team

New Delhi: Online fundraising platform Crowdera, today said it has appointed Srinivas Chunduru as chief advisor of strategic alliances.

Chunduru has spent two decades at Piramal Housing Finance as business head and executive director. He has also worked for ride-hailing company Ola as its interim chief of human resources and chief executive of Ola Skilling (OSPL) and continues to be on the board of Ola group companies.

Speaking about his appointment, Chunduru said, “With its ever-expanding spectrum of innovative offerings like the digital transformation program for global charities, donation syndication, alumni engagement and fundraising platform coupled with world class technology, Crowdera is poised to create a large impact in its chosen space; and I am very excited to join hands with it to be an impact facilitator.”

Chet Jainn, founder and CEO, Crowdera said, “In current pandemic affected times when philanthropy has become a strong pillar of our society, it is imperative and important that Crowdera makes prudent associations and in Srini – Dr Srinivas Chuduru, we have found the perfect strategic partner.”

Chunduru is the founder and member of board of Vans Group (Vans Investments, Vans Skilling and Advisory) which has interests in varied areas like education technology, financial technology, skilling and advisory, and HR analytics. He is also on the board of AF Capital (Avail), an digital financial services company.

Crowdfunding company Crowdera appoints Srinivas Chunduru to leadership team Crowdfunding company Crowdera appoints Srinivas Chunduru to leadership team Reviewed by TechCO on 7/13/2020 Rating: 5

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